For a person to change one way or another have to intervene a number of factors, depending on how this person wants to change something in his life
A man can change his personality, this rarely happens because, says that we are born whit personalities who represent us.
Many of us at some point we have to change our behavior, we should be calmer, more stately, more pacient, more sociable, more responsable, more regardless.
Most of the persons have to change materials such as a house,a car, a job.
Sometimes we have to change the mentality of the others and this is the most difficult.
The reasons for which peoples often make changes should be beneficial, that bring a surplus of happiness, the fullfilment of that person. I mean if we change our behavior better won. If we change our home we feel better because we have involved, if we change the job we are advanced.
Usually peoples make changes because they always wants something better, always wants to raise their value high.
I personally think it is well when people are making changes for the better because as we are not motivated to fight let us cut down the problems and difficulties.