sâmbătă, 4 decembrie 2010

What motivates people to change?

For a person to change one way or another have to intervene a number of factors, depending on how this person wants to change something in his life
A man can change his personality, this rarely happens because, says that we are born whit personalities who represent us.
Many of us at some point we have to change our behavior, we should be calmer, more stately, more pacient, more sociable, more responsable, more regardless.
Most of the persons have to change materials such as a house,a car, a job.
Sometimes we have to change the mentality of the others and this is the most difficult.
The reasons for which peoples often make changes should be beneficial, that bring a surplus of happiness, the fullfilment of that person. I mean if we change our behavior better won. If we change our home we feel better because we have involved, if we change the job we are advanced.
Usually peoples make changes because they always wants something better, always wants to raise their value high.
I personally think it is well when people are making changes for the better because as we are not motivated to fight let us cut down the problems and difficulties.

My most valuable photo

This photo is the most valuable for me because it reflects the most important thing for me, my family. It reflects my daughter Cristina, which is the meaning of my life.
I made this picture two years ago when she was born and since then this is the most special photo that i ever made. In my opinion the greatest achievement of man are the childrens, who are giving power and motivation to overcome the impossible.
For me this picture is unique because it was the first time when she was smiling in a photo

joi, 4 noiembrie 2010


In my opinion the advertisement to promote a product does not always reflect reality.
As we all know well, manufacturers often choose a public image of that product, linking this choice to the fact that ordinary people in this way will add credibility to the product desciption.
Promotion team is based on the fact that potential buyers will be incouraged by the fact that a star uses that product too.
For example, Rama margarine manufacturers have choosen the image of Nadia Comaneci for this margarine, counting on the fact that if the most famous rumanian gymnast introduced in her diet and her son diet Rama, then people will be motivated to do the same, convinced that Nadia Comaneci always choose the best quality products.
But these promotions are just myths, does not reflect reality and the population sees only the benefits which are presented, not the hidden defects, or the disadvantages of using that product.
As any margarine, Rama margarine too, contains vegetable fat undergo hidrogenation procedure which are harmful for human body, generating multiple cardiac diseases, diseases of immune system and even different types of cancer.

sâmbătă, 30 octombrie 2010

The brand name I often use and I would like to analyze is Nike

1. There might be a small connection between the name and the products, sport products like shoes and clothes. In Greek, Nike means victory, the goal that every true sportsman has.
2. This name was not translated in Romanian, not even in English, because Nike is a shorter, more musical name and sounded more noble in Greek.
3. The connotations which the name brings to the products are positive ones, in my opinion, due to the sophisticated and rafined sound of this name and to the good quality these products have.
4. The product I would like to introduce on the market is a jewelry line named Maharani. It’s the best name because it’s referring to an Indian kind of Queen. Even nowadays, India still means mistery, colours, exotism and a jewel inspired by this part of the world could be a real success among the modern woman.

joi, 21 octombrie 2010

My holiday

Although the job I have does not allows me to have too much free-time, those few free days that I had I spent them visiting a little town called Tuşnad and the Lake St. Ana.
We could not refuse the pleasure to spend four days in the tent-camp from Sălard, where we had the chance to climb the mountains, searching for raspberry.
We enjoyed fine weather and despite the fact that, personally, I was disappointed, we had a great time. I was disappointed due to the fact that many of the beautiful places that once existed in Tuşnad for turism,were abandoned or closed.But this bad thing was erased by the beauty of Lake St. Ana and by the joy and good-time we had in the camp at Sălard. As a conclusion, it was a short but pleasant holiday! This photos is from www.eurotrips.ro

joi, 14 octombrie 2010